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St Paul's C of E Primary School

Heathside Grove

LEARNING to make a difference


Autumn 1 and Autumn 2 - Materials

Our objectives:

To know how to identify and name a range of everyday materials.

To know how to compare the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.

To know how to classify the uses of everyday materials (in the context of the local area) and record observations.  

To know how to identify uses of different materials.

To know how to compare the suitability of everyday materials.

To know how the shapes of solid objects can be changed.

To know which materials are natural and which are man-made.




Spring 1 - Living things and their habitats

Our knowledge nuggets are:

  • That some things are alive, dead or never been alive.
  • That a habitat is a place where an animal or plant lives.
  • That a habitat provides the animal or plant with food, water, air and shelter.
  • That a food chain is when animals get their food from plants and other animals.

Here is our Science display showcasing our learning on animals and their habitats. We learnt what a habitat is and how habitats are crucial in helping animals survive.

We also learnt how to sort things into living, not living anymore and never alive. Test me!



Spring 2 - Plants

