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St Paul's C of E Primary School

Heathside Grove

LEARNING to make a difference

School Vision and Mission Statement

St. Paul’s CE Primary School Vision and Mission Statement



LEARNING’  to make a difference





Our Vision and Ethos


At the heart of our school lies a vision and ethos which are firmly embedded in our Christian beliefs. St. Paul lists key qualities known as the Fruit of the Spirit, and amongst these are love and gentleness (Galatians 5:22-23). These qualities and values are held together with the glue of kindness and shape who and how we are as a school family. We want our school to inspire those in it and around it; to be a place where dreams are dreamt, goals are met and where confidences are grown.  


We want all those in our school to embrace life in all its fullness (John 10:10): to take every opportunity given, respect who and what is around them and to uphold the Christian values of our school.


Our school ethos, Christian values and vision are at the heart of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and allow us to provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, independent, happy individuals. Our ethos, school vision and values truly reflect what we are all working towards as a team. 


Our vision is for each child to develop a curiosity of learning, discover their interests and grow in their love of learning.

We aim to encourage each child to be independent and develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and respect for others in the environment.


To educate all pupils to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.


We strive to consciously create an environment of respect and inclusion and to support ethnic, racial, religious and

socio-economic diversity among all the members of our school community and beyond.



Our Mission Statement

Our school is an oasis of learning and the hub of our community. In our stimulating environment there are the highest of expectations of teaching and learning. Our mission statement aims to:


  • provide each and every member of the school community with the opportunity to realise their potential regardless of age, gender or ability
  • promote independence, high standards of achievement and a love of learning
  • provide an environment in which children can develop academically, spiritually, morally, socially, physically and aesthetically
  • offer an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum which includes meeting the legal requirements for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and The National Curriculum
  • provide a variety of learning experiences embracing continuity, progression and assessment
  • provide a wide range of enrichment experiences in and outside of the school day
  • foster a caring and nurturing environment where all members of the school community are valued, and trust, honesty and happiness are evident
  • promote British values
  • promote understanding and respect of the 9 protected characteristics and treat everybody fairly and equally 
  • respect and celebrate our pupils and their families from many different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs
  • provide a well ordered safe, attractive, stimulating and challenging learning environment where courtesy, respect and self-discipline are appreciated by all
  • work in partnership with parents in the education of their children
  • promote close relationships and communications with parents
  • work as a team to support the children as they develop and face the challenges of their future education and life
  • foster and promote links with the wider community and care for the environment through community cohesion



